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High Blood Pressure and Children:
What Parents Need to Know

Children can have high blood pressure.

Did you know that children could have high blood pressure? In fact, the number of children with high blood pressure is growing. The sooner high blood pressure is found in children, the sooner it can be treated.

All children 3 years of age and older should have their blood pressure checked regularly.

Having high blood pressure may not cause any symptoms. Having your child's blood pressure checked is the only way to know if he or she has high blood pressure. The normal range for blood pressure in children is usually lower than in adults. If the blood pressure is high at three health care visits, your child may need further testing.

What the Kidneys Do

High blood pressure in children needs to be treated.

Untreated high blood pressure can cause kidney disease, heart disease, eye disease, and other serious health problems over time. The longer the high blood pressure goes uncontrolled, the more harm it can cause. Treatment begins with lifestyle changes, such as diet changes, more physical activity, and weight loss. Some children also may need to take blood pressure medicines.

Steps to keep your child's blood pressure in the healthy range

These tips are good for all children, especially those who have or are at risk for high blood pressure:

What does it mean to eat a healthy diet?

Eating for healthy blood pressure means eating:

Questions to ask the doctor about your child's blood pressure

All children should have their blood pressure checked during their routine physical exams. Those with a family history of high blood pressure and being overweight need to have it checked more often.

For more information:

About healthy lifestyles and children

About high blood pressure

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Page last updated: March 1, 2012