Best Practices: Enterprise Email in the Cloud

April 12th, 2011


Consolidating 21 email systems into an enterprise system using Cloud Services


Executive Summary

USDA OCIO (Office of the Chief Information Officer) has an ongoing vision and mission to evolve IT support services while providing supervisory oversight regarding the design, acquisition, maintenance, use and disposition of information and information technology (IT) by USDA agencies.

Interoperable communications across diverse stakeholders is an essential function to maintain a mission-driven organization such as USDA. Though federated, the Department of Agriculture must provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management.

In 2008, USDA was operating numerous separate email systems, most with unique functionality and settings. The decision to consolidate these systems was driven by sound business practices based in cost, operational efficiency, and developing a more productive workforce. Though the Department had begun to move in the direction of an on-premise solution, the option that made the clearest business sense in the end was moving the USDA email system to the cloud.