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For Teachers

As a teacher, you have the ability to reach students when they are beginning to understand finances. Help them to establish a sound financial footing and put them on a path to develop their wealth.

We have developed this “In the Classroom” material just for you. You’ll find:

  • Classroom Resources gives an overview of topics that can be covered in the classroom and activities to illustrate the concepts for students.
  • Professional Development addresses your own financial growth and includes information about our Teachers’ Workshop Program, held each summer in conjunction with the New York Stock Exchange.
  • Other Resources includes lesson plans and additional materials you may find useful. There also is a “Just for Teachers” section with information to help you better understand various financial products that are available.

We’ve only covered the basics, and there’s a lot more to learn about saving and investing, but you’ll be learning as you go. We look forward to hearing from you and welcome any suggestions for additional information you would like to see included on this website.