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Calorie Counter  

How many calories do you need to eat to maintain your current weight? This tool will give you an estimate. If you're trying to lose weight, see our tips below.

Enter your current weight in pounds:
Select your sex:  Male  Female
Select your activity level:
  Sedentary: Activities of daily living only (dressing, cooking, walking to and from the car, etc.). No purposeful exercise.
  Light Activity: Activities of daily living, plus the equivalent of walking 2 miles (or about 4,000 steps) per day.
  Moderate Activity: Activities of daily living, plus activities like brisk walking (15-20 minutes per mile), dancing, skating, leisurely bicycling, golfing, doubles tennis, mowing the lawn, or yoga 3-5 days per week.
  Heavy Activity: Activities of daily living, plus moderate exercise or vigorous exercise (jogging, running, swimming, singles tennis, soccer, basketball, digging, carpentry) most days of the week.
  Exceptional Activity: Activities of daily living, plus intensive training for an exercise event like a marathon, triathlon, century bike ride, etc.

To lose weight: To take off 1 pound per week, you need to create a "deficit" of 500 calories per day. You can do this by eating 250 fewer calories a day (for example, cut out a 20-ounce bottle of regular soda) and burning an extra 250 calories through physical activity (for example, walk for 2.5 miles). Another way to cut back on calories is to watch your portion sizes.


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