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Responding to Elder Abuse: What Community Corrections Should Know Video Preview Transcript

[Ricker Hamilton, Adult Protective Services, Maine, speaks as we see an older woman looking out a window. He continues speaking as we see a probation officer enter a house and talk with an older woman.]

Ricker Hamilton: We have victims who are truly isolated in every way. And those of us that are in people’s home have the ability to break that silence, have an ability to broach that isolation, and to reach out to those victims, sometimes for the first time.

[Title screen displays “Responding to Elder Abuse: What Community Corrections Should Know”; Chapter Four, Reporting Elder Abuse.]

[Lori A. Stiegel, JD, American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging, speaks as we see a probation officer working in her office. She continues speaking on-screen, and again as we see probation officers in a meeting.]

Lori Stiegel: It’s important for community corrections officials to know what their state law is regarding reporting and whether they’re covered under it and whether they are a mandatory reporter or a voluntary reporter.

If they suspect that something is going on, then they need to consider making reports to their supervisors as well as looking at whether their state law requires them to make reports to any other type of agency and that might include Adult Protective Services. Or it might also be another law enforcement agency.

[Ricker Hamilton speaks on-screen.]

Ricker Hamilton: So the threshold for reporting is very, very low. And it’s developed that way because you may be in a situation that the officers should report it because something isn’t right. And then when they come to the attention of Adult Protective Services, we can do our assessment.

[End of video clip.]

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