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Labor Management Relations Glossary

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A labor organization within the meaning of § 7103(a)(4)--i.e., "an organization composed in whole or in part of employees, in which employees participate and pay dues, and which has as a purpose the dealing with an agency concerning grievances and conditions of employment . . . ."

Union-initiated Midterm Bargaining on New Matters

Absent a bargaining waiver, the union has the right to initiate bargaining on matters not "covered by" the CBA. In NFFE v. Interior, 526 U.S. 86 (1999), the Supreme Court, disagreeing with the "absolutist" views of both the D.C. and the 4th Circuits and instead finding that the statute was ambiguous on the matter of midterm bargaining, held that FLRA's interpretation was entitled to considerable court deference. After the Court's remand, the Authority, in 56 FLRA No. 6, in effect reaffirmed the position it held before the 4th Circuit held the union had no right to initiate midterm bargaining.

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