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Tackling the Bottlenecks in the Drug Development Pipeline

Can you believe the average length of time from target discovery to approval of a new drug currently averages about 14 years? That is WAY too long. Even more shocking is that the failure rate exceeds 95 percent, and the cost per successful drug surpasses $2 billion, after adjusting for all of the failures.

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Put This Liver To The Test

Artificial LiverSource: NIBIB, NIH

Growth of blood vessels (red) enables implanted human ectopic artificial livers (HEALs) to grow and function in the mouse. This miniature human liver was removed from a HEAL-humanized mouse. Mice implanted with these organs are particularly useful for monitoring drug metabolism, drug-drug interactions, and predicting how certain drugs can damage

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Risky Business: Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens

Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH

First-term finals are nearly upon us and sadly a disturbing percentage of high school seniors are abusing stimulants Adderall (dextroamphetamine) and Ritalin (methylphenidate), which are prescribed for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These drugs increase alertness, attention, and energy the same way cocaine does—by

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