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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program (R43/44)

NIGMS has set aside funds for a Small Business Innovation Research Program. Grant applications are accepted in the scientific areas for which the Institute provides support. Under this program, awards are intended to:

  • Stimulate technological innovation.
  • Use small business to meet Federal research and development needs.
  • Increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from Federal research and development.
  • Foster and encourage participation by minority and disadvantaged persons in technological innovation.

The SBIR Program consists of three phases:

Phase I (R43) establishes the scientific and technical merit and feasibility as well as the potential for commercialization of the proposed research.

The Phase II grant (R44) continues research or research and development (R&D) efforts initiated in Phase I. At this time, only Phase I awardees are eligible to apply for Phase II funding. NIGMS also allows a limited number of Phase IIB competing renewal grant applications meant to continue the process of developing products that ultimately require clinical evaluation, approval by a Federal regulatory agency and continuing refinements to durable medical equipment designs such as cost reduction, testing for safety and durability, and meeting or establishing standards.

Phase III, where appropriate, is for the small business to pursue with non-SBIR funds the commercialization of the results of the research or R&D funded in Phase I and Phase II.

According to new statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50 percent ($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH, including NIGMS, has received a limited waiver from the Small Business Administration, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics [PDF, 70 KB]. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap. In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project.

Grant solicitation announcements and additional information are available on the NIH Small Business Funding Opportunities Web site. For information about NIGMS SBIR programs, e-mail Dr. Scott Somers or call him at 301-594-3827.

List of NIGMS funding announcements (program announcements, requests for applications and notices) for the SBIR and STTR Programs.

This page last reviewed on January 31, 2013