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    Access RSS feeds

    There are a number of ways to access RSS feeds. You can browse the RSS directly, or if you are using IE 7 (or higher) you can subscribe to the DLA Logistics Management Standard's RSS feed by clicking on the "Subscribe" or the "XML" orange button in the toolbar.


DLA Logistics Management Standards has implemented a new feature to help our customers track changes and updates across our entire website. It’s called RSS or Really Simple Syndication. This increasingly popular online service collects disparate information from a variety of sources and puts it into a neatly organized index of the latest information and postings.

RSS is based on Extensible Markup Language (XML), and it enables DLA Logistics Management Standards to post short site summaries describing recently added or updated items and links. These postings are then scanned automatically by programs called RSS readers to deliver specialized news "feeds" to interested customers. These feeds, or news channels, are like personally tailored executive summaries containing dozens of headlines on what has been added or updated on the DLA Logistics Management Standards site.

Depending on the browser you are using, the RSS will provide you either a list of all recent changes on our site, or a custom tailored view of what has changed since the last time you visited the site. If you are using IE 6 the RSS will appear as an all-inclusive list. If you are using IE 7 or beyond the browser has a built-in RSS reader. Just look for the orange RSS icon in the command bar. This icon will light up to indicate an RSS feed is associated with the DLA Logistics Management Standards home page.

To access the DLA Logistics Management Standards RSS feed now, just click on the orange RSS icon: RSS feed for DLA Logisics Management Standards