Expert Panel Workshop on Early-Life Events and Cancer

Early Life Logo

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Boulevard
Executive Plaza North (EPN), Room CDEF
Rockville, Maryland


NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) and Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) sponsored an Expert Panel Workshop on Early-Life Events and Cancer on May 25, 2011. There is emerging epidemiological and animal evidence that early-life events and exposures are important determinants of cancer development later in life. However, understanding how to study the impact of early-life exposures on human cancers later in life is a new challenge for cancer research.

The goal of the Expert Panel Workshop was to stimulate and facilitate epidemiological and molecular research in the area of early-life influences and cancer in humans. This Workshop was a follow-up to a previous meeting on Early Reproductive Events and Breast Cancer held in 2003. While breast cancer was again highlighted because most early-life research has focused on it, the scope of this Workshop was widened to other cancers. The Expert Panel Workshop covered the state-of-the-science for human studies and experimental models and identified the methodological challenges in this area of research. Recommendations were made regarding: 1) scientific opportunities, 2) research gaps, and 3) resource needs. The Workshop Report was published in 2012 (link to report provided in "Additional Information" section below).

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The following Experts spoke at the Workshop:

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Steering Committee

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Additional Information

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For further information or questions about the Workshop, please contact Dr. Somdat Mahabir.

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Last Updated: 03 Aug 2012

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health