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Federal Statutes
relevant in the Information Sharing Environment (ISE)

This list of Federal statutes is generally organized in descending order of approximate relative importance of these laws to the work in the ISE. Staff at fusion centers will find these Federal authorities useful in understanding the constraints upon Federal colleagues and Federal information systems. This list does not contain all possibly relevant Federal statutes. State laws are not covered.

Terrorism as a Crime State Privacy Laws
While terrorism is a Federal crime, some states have enacted their own anti-terrorism statutes. (November, 2002 summary) While the Privacy Act described below is a Federal law, some states have state constitutional privacy provisions, privacy offices, and/or state statutes protecting privacy. (Partial listing) (March, 2011)
Source: The National Conference of State Legislatures

 Source: Page created by the DHS/Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and the DHS/Privacy Office in cooperation with the DOJ, Office of Justice Programs.


Last date revised: 12/29/11
Last date revised: 04/06/10
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