Patents and Licensing | USDA
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Patents and Licensing
USDA offers private sector businesses, state and local governments, and universities the opportunity to license federally-owned inventions. The partnerships USDA creates are designed to augment research programs, expedite research results to the private sector, exchange information and knowledge, stimulate new business and economic development, enhance trade, preserve the environment, and improve the quality of life for all Americans.
 Available Technologies

From new fruit fly trapping systems to innovative sugar-based adhesives, USDA has many technologies available for licensing.

 Commercial Success Stories

These success stories detail USDA licensing and patent partnerships. Many products have been developed as a result of USDA's research such as Cortisone, Penicillin, Xanthan gum, and flexible vinyl.


USDA offers the private sector an opportunity to license and commercialize USDA-patented technologies.

 How to Apply for a License

The application process is described from start to finish assisting users wishing to apply for a patent license.

 Partnership Research

USDA provides comprehensive background information, marketing data, and a listing of partnering opportunities.