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Photo Sharing Sites

What are online photo sharing sites?

Online photo sharing sites allow you to upload, store, organize, and share photos. To view and/or upload your digital photos to a photo sharing site you need a camera, computer, or a mobile phone with an Internet connection.

Common photo sharing sites include Flickr Exit Disclaimer, SmugMug Exit Disclaimer, Picasa Exit Disclaimer, and Photobucket Exit Disclaimer. These sites share much in common with online social network sites, like Facebook Exit Disclaimer and MySpace Exit Disclaimer —users can connect with each other, send messages, leave comments, and share photos.

Many users on photos sharing sites offer their photos under a creative commons license so others can use the photos.

Photo sharing sites in response to HIV

  • Share photos from HIV-related events such as fundraisers and educational activities.
  • Engage, connect, listen, and learn from volunteers, patients, and colleagues.

Examples from the Field

One Pagers

Photo Sharing Sites (PDF - 614 KB)

Photo Sharing Sites - One Page PDF

A one page reference regarding photo sharing sites, what they are, and how they are being used in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Last revised: 06/05/2012