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Jul 23, 2012, 10:46am PDT Updated: Jul 23, 2012, 11:37am PDT

$65M grant aims to help turn UW health research into applications

UW Medicine photo | Clare McLean,

Nora Disis heads the University of Washington's Institute of Translational Health Science, which recently received a $65 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Staff Writer- Puget Sound Business Journal
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A University of Washington health science institute won a five-year, $65 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to help researchers speed up the process of getting research from the bench to practical applications that can help people.

The money is going to the UW Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS), where researchers from any area will be able to apply for small grants. The funds can be used broadly, whether scientists need to collect early data for a study, get help finding clinical research resources or find expert partners for specific work.

The ITHS has built new research partnerships across Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. The partnerships make it possible for researchers to investigate major health questions in new ways.

“We’re trying to tackle major health issues by exploring how to create multidisciplinary research teams,” Nora Disis, cancer vaccine researcher and ITHS head, said in a statement.

The next phase will have ITHS kicking off research networks with clinical practices in rural areas, tribal groups and Hispanic organizations that have shown an interest in research.

“At the end of the day, people want to see their dollars translated into something that will directly benefit them, their children and their families,” Disis said. “ITHS will galvanize a brilliant group of people to create the resources to work on important health issues and figure out a way to do our research faster, cheaper and easier. That’s going to take everyone getting involved. That’s our challenge over the next five years — to truly start a culture change.”

UW, Seattle Children’s Research Institute and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center collaborate locally with the ITHS.

Valerie Bauman covers nonprofits and health care for the Puget Sound Business Journal.

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