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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Outcomes and Effectiveness Research

Adverse Events After Stopping Clopidogrel in Post-Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: Insights from a Large Integrated Healthcare Delivery System. P. Ho, T. Tsai, T. Wang, et al., Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, May 2010; 3:303-308. Discusses the occurrence of adverse events in cardiac patients up to 3 months after stopping clopidogrel therapy. (AHRQ 10-R062)

Anti-Obesity Drugs and Bariatric Surgery. W. Encinosa, D. Du, D. Bernard, in: J. Cawley, ed., The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Obesity; Chapter 45. Oxford University Press; 2011, pp. 792-807. Compares anti-obesity drugs and bariatric surgery with respect to their relative efficacy and safety and discusses barriers to surgery, including cost, lack of insurance coverage, and safety. (AHRQ 11-R058)

Best Practices in Systems Interventions to Reduce the Burden of Fractures. C. Clancy, Osteoporosis International, August 2011; 22(Suppl 3):S441-S444. Discusses the importance of patient-centered outcomes research as the foundation for improving the quality of care, including care for fractures and osteoporosis. (AHRQ 12-R008).

Cancer Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoepidemiology: Setting a Research Agenda to Accelerate Translation. A. Freedman, L. Sansbury, W. Figg, et al., Journal of the National Cancer Institute, November 2010; 102(22):1698-1705. Commentary summarizes and discuses five science-based recommendations and four infrastructure-based recommendations for research to advance understanding of why individuals respond differently to cancer therapies. (AHRQ 11-R036)

The Challenge of Multiple Comorbidity for the U.S. Health Care System. A. Parekh, M. Barton, Journal of the American Medical Association, April 2010; 303(13):1303-1304. Commentary discusses the challenges involved in improving care for individuals with two or more coexisting illnesses and describes AHRQ's research in this area. (AHRQ 10-R061)

Diagnostic Performance of Serum Cobalamin Tests: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. C. Willis, A. Elshaug, J. Milverton, et al., Pathology, August 2011; 43(5):472-481. Examines evidence of diagnostic accuracy for serum cobalamin (vitamin B12) tests across patient subgroups. (AHRQ 11-R067)

Planning the Safety of Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Registry Initiative (SAFARI) as a Collaborative Pan-Stakeholder Critical Path Registry Model: A Cardiac Safety Research Consortium "Incubator" Think Tank. S. Al-Khatib, H. Calkins, B. Eloff, et al., American Heart Journal, January 2010; 159(1):17-24. Summarizes the discussion at an April 2009 think tank meeting held to explore the objectives, challenges, and steps involved in developing a national registry of patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation procedures to capture data on long-term outcomes and safety. (AHRQ 10-R054)

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