Child & Family Service Reviews (CFSRs)

The Children's Bureau conducts the CFSRs, which are periodic reviews of state child welfare systems, to achieve three goals:

  • Ensure conformity with federal child welfare requirements
  • Determine what is actually happening to children and families as they are engaged in child welfare services
  • Assist states in helping children and families achieve positive outcomes

After a CFSR is completed, states develop a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) to address areas in their child welfare services that need improvement.

General Information and Overview of the CFSR Process

This section includes information, legislation, policies, fact sheets, and tentative schedules for the CFSRs.  It also includes issues of the Child and Family Services Reviews Update newsletter.

Planning a CFSR

This section includes the Child and Family Services Review Procedures Manual, CFSR planning documents, and training materials.

Procedures Manual - This manual provides information regarding the framework and goals of the new CFSR process and instructions for conducting the two-stage review process and for determining whether states have achieved substantial conformity in all areas assessed.

Child and Family Services Review Planning Documents - These documents provide information for planning, scheduling, and completing a review.

Child and Family Services Review Training Materials - This document provides information on the steps in the CFSR process as well as tips for reviewers.

Engaging State Legislators in the Federal Child and Family Services Reviews: An Information-Sharing Tool for Child Welfare Agency Administrators - This customizable tool helps keep legislators informed about the state's performance on the latest CFSRs, PIP goals and achievements, PIP partners, and areas requiring legislative support.

Instruments, Tools, and Guides for CFSRs - This section includes CFSR instruments, reporting guidelines, and forms.

State Plans and Reports/National Summaries

This section includes reports from the first and second rounds of the CFSRs and the compiled results from the first round of reviews.

Reports and Results of the First and Second Rounds of the Child and Family Services Reviews - The following reports are available by state: Statewide Assessments, CFSR Final Reports, PIPs, and Individual Key Findings Reports.

52 Program Improvement Plans: Strategies for Improving Child Welfare Services and Outcomes - This PowerPoint presentation highlights findings from the PIPs completed by all 50 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico.

Compiled Results of the Fiscal Years 2001 - 2010 Child and Family Services Reviews - This section includes the compiled results of the CFSRs from fiscal years 2001–2010.

Table of Data Indicators for the Child and Family Services Reviews and Table With Composite Weights - This document provides revised tables and national standards for the CFSR data indicators.

Reports - This section includes publications related to the CFSRs, including presentations and comments by Children's Bureau and other federal staff.

Promising Approaches

Promising Approaches - This document provides information about innovative efforts in child welfare implemented by states to meet the needs of children and families. These approaches are recognized as potential contributions toward good child welfare practice.