HIV/AIDS Research funded by NIDDK

Each of the three divisions in NIDDK supports an AIDS and HIV program. The Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition encourages research into the characterization of intestinal injury, mechanisms of maldigestion, and intestinal mucosal functions, as well as hepatic and biliary dysfunction in patients with AIDS or in appropriate animal models. In addition, studies are supported on the mechanisms of nutrient malabsorption, deficiencies of various micronutrients, nutritional management of the wasting syndrome, and other aspects of malnutrition related to AIDS.

The HIV program in the Division of Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases supports basic and clinical studies on renal and genitourinary tract structure and function and hematopoietic function in individuals with HIV infection. Interests include (1) the pathogenetic mechanisms of the viral infection in the kidney and genitourinary tract, (2) sites of viral replication and/or spread and the resulting organ dysfunction, and (3) hematologic abnormalities associated with HIV infection and its effects on stem cells and marrow function. Studies on HIV infection focus on the (1) effect of HIV therapies on marrow function and clinical course of chronic kidney disease and dialysis and transplant patients, (2) potential interactions of HIV infection and therapies on the immunosuppressive therapy used to prevent transplant rejection, and (3) effects on organ function. An important new emphasis is research into the development of strategies for gene therapy for HIV, using modification of hematopoietic stem cells. This research is based on recent reports of protection against HIV through the use of human fetal stem cells transduced with retroviral vectors expressing a ribozymal gene.

The Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases is interested in the metabolic complications of HIV infection, which encompass research on the endocrine and body composition abnormalities associated with HIV infection and its treatment.

Specific areas of support include:

  • Studies of hormones and cytokines involved in wasting syndromes.
  • Studies of changes in body composition in HIV patients.
  • Studies of abnormalities of insulin sensitivity (and other components of the "Metabolic Syndrome" or "Syndrome X") in patients with HIV.


Funding for Special Communities

See Also:

Funding Opportunities


Page last updated: January 21, 2011

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