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Basic COR Training

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TRAINING OPTIONS:  There are many options for basic COR training, including the NIH Training Center, the FAI/DAU, ASI Government or other outside vendors.

Level I COR:   Choose one option

  1. Complete 8 hour free course CLC 106 through Federal Acquisition Institute (www.fai.gov )  Go to the following link and "Apply for training" and then go to "Continuous Learning Modules.
  2. See note regarding the new FAITAS 2.0 registration system (NewFAITAS2.0.doc)
  3. Complete 8 hour COR sequence with ASI Government  (request ASI license by contacting FAC-COR@mail.nih.gov).

Levels II/III COR:  Choose one option

  1. 40 hour NIH Training Center COR Course
  2. Free online Training through DAU: The Defense Acquisition University offers COR training.  Please review requirements posted Click Here.
    "Apply for training" and then go to "Continuous Learning Modules"
    See note regarding the new FAITAS 2.0 registration system (NewFAITAS2.0.doc)
  3. Free online sequence through ASI Applied Learning (limited license availability through HHS). If you’re interested in this option, please send email to: FAC-COR@mail.nih.gov
  4. Complete 40 hour course through an outside vendor (fees apply) See below.

This list below is not comprehensive or exclusive, but includes vendors NIH has had experience with in the past, there are many other outside vendors available. Individuals are responsible for doing their own research on training opportunities. If you have a question on a specific training vendor or whether or not a specific course would count, please send your question to: FAC-COR@mail.nih.gov


                                                          OUTSIDE TRAINING SOURCES

The Acquisition Institute

Centre Consulting

COR Boot Camp

Department of Homeland Security - you will get warning message like above message with FAI

Department of Veterans Affairs Academy - Frederick, MD



Gonzales McCaulley Investment Group

Government Training Inc

Graduate School (formerly called USDA Graduate School)

Houseman &Associates

Management Concepts, Inc.

Northwest Procurement Institute (NPI)

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