NIH Library About Us Announcements NIH Library Journal Collection Analysis

NIH Library Journal Collection Analysis

October 2, 2012

By: Keith Cogdill, Director, Division of Library Services

This summer the NIH Library conducted an in-depth analysis of its journal collection, considering the frequency of use of each title, the cost per article download, whether it is indexed for MEDLINE, and its impact factor. For journals with the highest cost per download, we also obtained customer feedback by asking NIH principal investigators and other members of the NIH community to rate the importance of each title for their work. More than 300 NIH staff members responded to our survey by rating the importance of over 2,600 journals with the highest cost per use. Based on our customers’ ratings and the other four factors, we identified a "Tier 1" set of 140 journals that would be among the first considered in the event that cancellations become necessary.

In September we learned that, barring the possible sequestration, the NIH Library will operate in FY13 with an essentially flat budget relative to FY12. This will not accommodate price increases that some publishers are refusing to eliminate for 2013. As we move forward in negotiations with publishers, the Tier 1 list of possible cancellations will be helpful. In the event that a publisher insists on a price increase, titles on this list would be the first considered as possible cancellations.

As our negotiations with publishers unfold, we will keep members of our Advisory Committee apprised and continue to share updates on our Website. If you have any questions about the NIH Library’s collection, I invite you to visit me in person, call me at 301-496-2448, or email me at

Last Updated: 12/3/2012 10:54 AM