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Improving the understanding, detection, and management of kidney disease.

Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease - Phosphorus (Fact Sheet)

What Is Phosphorus?

Phosphorus is a mineral that helps keep your bones healthy. It also helps keep blood vessels and muscles working. Phosphorus is found naturally in foods rich in protein, such as meat, poultry, fish, nuts, beans, and dairy products. Phosphorus is also added to many processed foods.

Why Is Phosphorus Important for People with CKD?

When you have CKD, phosphorus can build up in your blood, making your bones thin, weak, and more likely to break. It can cause itchy skin, and bone and joint pain. Most people with CKD need to eat foods with less phosphorus than they are used to eating.Your health care provider may talk to you about taking a phosphate binder with meals to lower the amount of phosphorus in your blood.

Foods Lower in Phosphorus:

Foods Higher in Phosphorus:

How Do I Lower Phosphorus in My Diet?

Ingredients: Potatoes, Vegetable Oil (Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil), Salt, Dextrose, Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate...

Examples of Foods that May Have Added Phosphorus:

*Ask the butcher to show you which fresh meats do not have added phosphorus.

Page last updated: February 6, 2013