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Public Housing Environmental and Conservation Clearinghouse

Currently, utility costs make up approximately 24 percent of the operating expenditures for Public Housing Authorities alone. With the current state of fuel prices, projected winter heating costs accompanied by our Nation's economic conditions, each of us, Public and Indian Housing Authorities, residents, and all Americans should commit to do our part. United as a HUD family, we can make a difference.

Conservation efforts start with the individual. The following is a partial list of simple, everyday conservation measures we can all easily commit to:

  1. Turn off the lights when leaving the room
  2. Use microwave ovens to cook small meals
  3. Take shorter showers
  4. Maintain and repair leaking air conditioning and refrigeration systems
  5. Change light bulbs from inefficient incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)
  6. Change furnace filter every thirty days
  7. Use the short wash cycle on dishwashers and clothes washers
  8. Use cold water when washing clothes

In The News

Read about the latest environmental topics that have impacted the Public and Indian Housing industry.

[Image - Apartment]Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation can be achieved by increasing energy efficiency while reducing energy consumption. Energy Benchmarking is a low cost too that can help PHA?s quickly compare a buildings? current energy consumption to other buildings which can assist PHA?s in implementing energy conservation measures.

[Image - Mattress]Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
IPM focuses on pest prevention, eliminating sources and using less toxic materials to control pests such as bedbugs, cockroaches and ants.

Water Conservation

[Image - Water Droplet] Water conservation benchmarking is a very useful starting point for PHAs to target water saving opportunities and can help PHAs overall asset management strategy.

[Image - AC Unit] Operations & Maintenance
O&M includes all aspects of running a building over the course of its useful life. Because of the far-reaching nature of O&M, a well designed and properly executed program is critical to the overall success.

[Image - Eco friendly person with suitcase] PIH Green Initiative
The PIH Green Initiative is about spotlighting the latest topics related to the environmental movement known as "Going Green" This month's article is about Green Building.

[Image - Lead Paint] Hazardous Materials
Lead Threat Thrives: Years after poisoning, a Queensbury family still fearing its effects.
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