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Archive for 'Policy and Procedures'

An American Archivist at Ascona, Switzerland, October 1997

Today’s post is written by Dr. Greg Bradsher. One clear, chilly evening this week fifteen years I was alone in the foothills above the town of Ascona, Switzerland, wondering “how in the world did I end up here?” The answer begins in December 1996, in the wake of revelations about Switzerland having dormant bank accounts of [...]

Make Your Research Visit to NARA More Successful

The “National Archives Researcher News” recently carried an FAQ that provides guidance on ways to improve your research experience at the National Archives. It is reissued here to bring it to the attention of readers of The Text Message. HOW CAN I MAKE MY VISIT MORE SUCCESSFUL? The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) reference [...]

So…what's accessioning?

Today’s post is written by Sarah Farinholt and Meghan Ryan who work on the Accessioning team.    Ever wonder how documents get to the National Archives?  Before federal records become part of the National Archives holdings, they must be accessioned.  Accessioning is the process by which the National Archives takes legal and physical custody of records – it [...]


