February 2012

Love Your Heart
Take Steps To Reduce Heart Risks

Cartoon of a smiling, muscle-flexing heart surrounded by things that can help reduce heart risk.

February is American Heart Month—a time to reflect on the sobering fact that heart disease remains the #1 killer of both women and men nationwide. The good news is you have the power to protect and improve your heart health. Read more about protecting your heart.

Grumbling Guts?
Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Cartoon of a man grasping his belly, with a look of discomfort on his face.

Most of us feel some discomfort in our guts now and then. But if you regularly feel aches in your abdomen, it might be a sign of a disorder called irritable bowel syndrome, a condition that affects about 1 in 5 Americans. Read more about irritable bowel syndrome.

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