Title Agency Type Category

Logo for StopBullying.Gov StopBullying.Gov (@StopBullyingGov)

Description:Follow us for updates on how you can take action to stop bullying. Teachers, parents, kids, educators, and communities all play a role.

Managed By: Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Tags: Bullying , Prevention , Parents , Education , Children

OS Icon_twitter Youth

Logo for StopBullying.gov StopBullying.gov

Description:Information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.

Managed By: Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs

Tags: Bullying , Children , Youth , Parents , Prevention

OS Facebook-icon Youth

Logo for Stop Bullying Now! Stop Bullying Now! (@stopbullyingnow)

Description:HRSA's National Bullying Prevention Awareness Campaign

Tags: Bullying , Youth , families

HRSA Icon_twitter Youth