Research > Program Evaluations

Measuring Success Initiative in the Grants to States Program

The Library Services and Technology Act Grants to State Program is a population based formula grant that provides funds to each state to improve library services. It is the largest grant program administered by IMLS. The goal of Measuring Success, an initiative launched in March 2011, is to help IMLS and the state library administrative agencies to plan for, manage and evaluate grant- supported library activities.

To date this initiative has involved over 70 volunteers from 54 state library administrative agencies who are collaborating to:

  • identify trends and share best practices in federally supported library activities and
  • develop strategies to ensure that these activities deliver high quality public service.

The purpose of this web page is to provide transparency about the initiative and engage library professionals, researchers and other stakeholders in the continual improvement of the program.

Lists of Participants

  1. List of IMLS Team

  2. List of SLAA Chiefs

  3. List of SLAA Priority Working Group

Progress Updates

Reference Materials

Publications and Conference Presentations