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Financing Center of Excellence


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Publicly Funded Codes for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
"Prior to regulations promulgated by the Department of Health and Human Services to implement the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), substance abuse and me ..."
   BackgroundInformationHIPAA.pdf (PDF | 38.86 kb)

Topics : Health Care Reform, Medicaid, Medicare, Mental Health, Prevention, Providers, Rates/Reimbursement, Substance Abuse
Categories : Medicaid, Medicare, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Prevention and Wellness

How Longer Work Lives Ease the Crunch of Population Aging
"A study by RAND Corp. researchers published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives suggests that workers remaining in the labor force past the traditional retirement age of 65 may extend the solven ..."
Topics : Mental Health, Prevention, Seniors
Categories : Special Populations, Prevention and Wellness, Mental Health

Effects of South Carolina Budget on State’s Children
"This report published by the South Carolina Appleseed Legal Justice Center and backed by over 65 advocacy groups examines the impact of South Carolina’s budget on the state’s childr ..."
Topics : Access/Barriers, Children & Adolescents, CHIP, Legislation (State & Local), Medicaid, Mental Health, Prevention, Spending, State Data, Substance Abuse, Treatment
Categories : Mental Health, State and Local, Special Populations, Substance Abuse

Improving EPSDT Periodicity Schedules to Promote Healthy Development
"This National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) report examines the prevalence of states adopting Medicaid's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) standards of care ..."
Topics : Children & Adolescents, Medicaid, Mental Health, Prevention, State Data
Categories : Medicaid, State and Local, Mental Health, Special Populations, Prevention and Wellness

Depression in Parents, Parenting and Children: Opportunities to Improve Identification, Treatment and Prevention
"In this report brief, the Committee on Depression, Parenting Practices and the Healthy Development of Children discuss the optimal system of care to treat depressed parents and children. ..."
Topics : Children & Adolescents, Mental Health, Prevention, Quality , Treatment
Categories : Mental Health, Special Populations, Treatment and Recovery, Prevention and Wellness

Prevention of Mental Disorders: Effective Interventions and Policy Options – Summary Report
"This World Health Organization (WHO) report, published in 2005, examines the effectiveness of mental health prevention initiatives.  From the report: Prevention of Mental Disorders: ..."
Topics : Mental Health, Prevention, Regulation
Categories : Mental Health, Prevention and Wellness, Legislative and Regulatory Issues

Primary Prevention Mental Health Programs for Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analytic Review
"This study reviewed 177 primary prevention programs that were designed to prevent behavioral and social problems in children and adolescents.  The authors find that, on average, ..."
Topics : Children & Adolescents, Mental Health, Prevention, Quality , Substance Abuse
Categories : Mental Health, Special Populations, Substance Abuse

SAMHSA Employee Cost Briefs
"This series of briefs presents information on M/SU conditions and treatment for employers, focusing cost-saving strategies and access to care.  The briefs are available from SAMHSA below: ..."
Topics : Employer-Sponsored Coverage, Mental Health, Prevention, Substance Abuse, Treatment
Categories : Mental Health, Employer and Individual Insurance, Treatment and Recovery, Prevention and Wellness, Substance Abuse

Behavioral Health Screening Policies in Medicaid Programs Nationwide
"This 2003 study examined states' compliance with their Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) mandate that requires states to perform behavioral health screenings on all ..."
Topics : Children & Adolescents, Medicaid, Mental Health, Prevention, State Data, Substance Abuse
Categories : Medicaid, Mental Health, State and Local, Special Populations, Substance Abuse

Preventative Mental Health and Substance Abuse Programs and Services in Managed Care
"This 2002 paper summarizes published information on the effect of preventative interventions for M/SU conditions, demonstrating that preventative behavioral health interventions appropriate for mana ..."
Topics : Cost-effectiveness, Managed Care, Mental Health, Prevention, Substance Abuse
Categories : Mental Health, Prevention and Wellness, Substance Abuse

Preventive Interventions Under Managed Care for M/SU Services
"This 2000 report presents a review of the literature on preventive interventions in mental health and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and the misuse of licit and illicit drugs. After an extensive ..."
Topics : Alcohol, Cost-effectiveness, Illegal Drugs, Managed Care, Prevention, Substance Abuse, Tobacco
Categories : Mental Health, Treatment and Recovery, Prevention and Wellness, Special Populations, Substance Abuse

Young Adult Behavioral Health Problems Costs $247 Billion Annually
"This report brief for policy makers by the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine states that mental health and substance abuse disorders among young adults cost the United Sta ..."
Topics : Children & Adolescents, Mental Health, Prevention, Substance Abuse
Categories : Mental Health, Special Populations, Prevention and Wellness, Substance Abuse

Is It Worth Investing in Mental Health Promotion and Prevention of Mental Illness?
"This European review and evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention found strong positive results for only a small number of interventions.  ..."
Topics : Cost-effectiveness, Integrated Health, Mental Health, Prevention, Spending
Categories : Mental Health, Special Populations, Prevention and Wellness

Depression as a Major Component of Public Health for Older Adults
"This article profiles depression among older adults.  It highlights the difficulties surrounding diagnosis and treatment as well as the cost-effectiveness of current public health strategies.&n ..."
Topics : Cost-effectiveness, Mental Health, Prevention, Seniors, State Data, Treatment
Categories : Mental Health, Treatment and Recovery, Special Populations, State and Local