
When payday falls on Monday the bank will be open but will close on the following Saturday

Welcome to the Community
With nearly 80 banking centers and over 300 ATMs on bases around the world, Community Bank is operated by Bank of America to provide stateside-like banking services to our troops and contractors while stationed overseas.

Currency Exchange

Purchasing goods on the local economy is a common part of being stationed overseas, that's why we provide comprehensive currency exchange services to get you the cash you need at a reasonable rate.

To estimate your next currency exchange, use the link to access the calculator. Simply enter in an amount and select your starting currency, then select the currency that you would like to convert to.

This calculator is provided for estimating purposes only. Actual exchange transactions may be different at the banking center than those shown here. Actual exchange rates in country may vary from this rate due to time variances affecting updates. The rate shown is the rate available only in the country of issuance. Check with a local Community Bank for currency buy-back rates and limits.

Total pageloads: 12/189 (27/day) This page information, content, phone listing, and files are maintained by the office responsible for the services provided.  If you feel that this page's information is incorrect in any way, please contact the webmaster.  The webmaster is responsible for posting the content on the website.
Date created: 1/3/2011 3:50:03 PM
Date last updated: 10/3/2011 4:53:05 PM