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Project Name: Cross-Age Mentoring Effectiveness: Testing Research & Program Design Enhancements

Applicant: University of Louisville Research Foundation, Inc.
Applicant Type: NonProfit
Application Number: 2012-50590-KY-JU
Funding Request: $499,998
Focus: Juveniles, Delinquency Prevention
Location: KY
Areas Covered: Jefferson County, KY

Summary: A review of the research in cross-age peer mentoring suggests a need for use of more rigorous research designs, longer follow-up periods post mentoring to assess long-term impacts, and adoption of evidence based strategies to both strengthen mentor-mentee matches and their duration. To address these needs, we propose to build on our existing research study currently funded by OJJDP—a study involving middle school students (n=150) with at least one risk factor for juvenile delinquency (truancy, poor academic achievement, lack of positive/pro-social peers, and abuse and neglect victimization) who have been receiving one of three conditions of cross-age mentoring (developmental, instrumental, and risk reduction) in three ways: (1) adding an active intervention comparison group to the existing research design, (2) expanding the follow-up assessment originally proposed (3 months) to a 3-years post-program completion follow-up assessment , and (3) examining whether booster mentor support sessions after formal mentoring has concluded help facilitate higher levels of contact frequency and emotional closeness in relationships between mentors and mentees.

For Further Information:
Bibhuti Sar
Grants Management Specialist
2301 South Third Street
Stevenson Hall, 5th Floor
Louisville, KY 40292
(502) 852-3932

Application Submitted in Response to Solicitation: Mentoring Best Practices Research Assigned Number: OJJDP-2012-3204