Set Goals

Man checking newspaperIndividuals must take seriously the responsibility of being prepared to survive for three days on their own, to create evacuation and shelter plans for themselves and their families and to get out of harm’s way when necessary. Citizens must be engaged and educated about what they should expect from their government during emergencies as well as what the government expects from them in the form of advance preparation and responsible action. Community safety and personal preparedness is vital to the overall preparedness of the United States, and its ability to withstand and recover from natural disasters, man-made emergencies, economic downturns and terrorist attacks.

Set Concrete Goals

Setting goals helps you be accountable to yourself and also increases accountability within a group. Clear goals at the beginning of a project will also help you determine how your project will work and what role group members can play. Once goals are set, you can track your progress, compare your results with other group members, and figure out what works best so everyone can meet (or exceed) their goals.

Set a service goal and hold yourself accountable. After you have prepared yourself and your family, commit as an individual and as a team to help others:

  • Help at least three people who may need additional assistance in preparing for emergencies (including the frail, elderly, and individuals with access and functional needs).
  • Conduct a safety drill at home, at work, at school or at your house of worship.
  • Take a training class in lifesaving skills (CPR, first aid) or emergency response (CERT).
  • Volunteer to help your local emergency responders.

Any of these activities get us one step closer to a safer and more resilient nation. Set your goals high to stretch yourself. Then keep track of how you are doing and have someone responsible for updating the group on how you are progressing toward your goals. You’ll be surprised at how much you can do when you commit, focus and follow through. Get involved in National Preparedness Month activities in your community. Then keep your commitment.

  • As an individual, I will commit to preparing myself and my family this year, including creating a family disaster plan and making sure there are emergency supply kits at my home, my place of work and in my car.
  • As a team, we will assemble ___ emergency supply kits for others.
  • As an individual, I will talk to ___ friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers about our personal responsibility to be prepared.
  • As a team, we will commit to ___ number of hours volunteering in disaster preparedness and response.
  • As a team, we will organize ___ disaster drills for evacuating and sheltering-in-place.
  • As an individual, I will complete ___ training in life saving skills.
  • As a team, we will learn about the threats most likely to affect our community.
Track Progress Toward Your Goals
  • Set a weekly or biweekly deadline to report progress. For example, "Our team will report progress every Friday. The person responsible for reporting results for your team is _________.”
  • Make sure every group member is in the loop. Designate a group member to track and share the results. For example, “Our team will share our progress with all members by email/phone calls every week. The person responsible for sharing progress is _________.”
  • Keep track of your progress. Forms like the one below can be helpful.
Week # of Community Members Prepared for Disaster # of Hours Volunteered as individual # of Hours Volunteered as Team # of Volunteers Active
Week 1





Week 2





Week 3





Week 4





Week 5





Week 6





Week 7





Week 8





Week 9      


Week 10      


Week 11      


Week 12      





Last updated: 11/01/2012 - 09:47 AM