
Irma Perez's Story

Irma was a 14 year old girl from Belmont , California who took an Ecstasy pill on April 23, 2004. She became sick immediately---vomiting and writhing in pain---yet her friends did not seek medical help for her. Instead, they gave her marijuana, thinking it would relax her and possibly help her because they had heard it had medicinal qualities. Irma suffered for hours and when she was finally taken to the hospital the next morning, she was in terrible shape. Five days later she was taken off life support and died. After her death, several of her organs were donated to five other people.

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Inside DEA

The men and women of DEA aren't just drug enforcement agents—we're parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. We've seen how drugs rob young people of their promise and dreams, and how entire families are affected by a child's drug abuse...

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