
David R. Pease
David Pease's Story

Dave was bright -- extremely bright. We had lived in Holland his first year in school and he was judged to be gifted by the American School in The Hague. He was articulate and a strong debater, and resisted all our attempts to reason with him. I will always regret not having been strong enough to insist that he get help for his substance abuse problem. His mother and I had tried on many occasions but Dave protested vehemently and dug in his heels. We just never fathomed that his need for a buzz would lead him to experiment with heroin.

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Inside DEA

The men and women of DEA aren't just drug enforcement agents—we're parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. We've seen how drugs rob young people of their promise and dreams, and how entire families are affected by a child's drug abuse...

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