Howard K. Koh, M.D., M.P.H.

Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 

Thanksgiving and World AIDS Day

Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude for what matters in our lives. In that spirit, Thanksgiving also marks the lead-up to World AIDS Day (December 1). World AIDS Day prompts us to reflect on how far we’ve come in responding to HIV and to cherish the contributions of so many who are working to create…

AIDS 2012: Listening, Learning and Working Together to Help Turn the Tide

Dr. Howard Koh

This week, many in the HIV community are finalizing plans for participation in AIDS 2012 — be it in person, via webcast, or via social media. I feel honored to join my federal colleagues to prepare for the U.S. government’s presence at this historic meeting. The current wave of activities reminds me of the preparation…

A Day to Act on HIV and Viral Hepatitis in the Asian and Pacific Islander Community


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Dr. Koh

Tomorrow (May 19) our Nation marks the eighth annual National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and the first–ever National Hepatitis Testing Day. Both observances represent “calls to action” for the country and hold special meaning for me. As an Asian American physician, I have cared for many individuals living with HIV and/or hepatitis….

Raising Awareness of Hepatitis B In the Asian and Pacific Islander Communities

Dr. Howard Koh

This month we are observing both Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Hepatitis Awareness Month. The dual observances are an important opportunity to bring attention to the disproportionate burden of viral hepatitis among the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the United States and to renew our commitment and call to action to…

Looking Ahead to 2012


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Dr. Howard Koh

As 2011 draws to a close and we look ahead with anticipation to the New Year, I want to honor the members of the HIV/AIDS community for their passion in advancing toward our goal of achieving an AIDS-free generation. Through our collective commitment to implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) and the Action Plan for…

A Remarkable Day: The Beginning of the End of AIDS


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Dr. Koh

Optimism. Passion. Poignancy. Excitement.  Last week’s World AIDS Day observances generated these emotions worldwide. Thirty years ago, when the first federal first reports of AIDS emerged, none of the new media tools we use today were available. Since then, so much has changed to inform people about HIV and AIDS. Within the Office of the…

Improving Health Disparities Data for a Healthier Nation

This year we have achieved important milestones in our commitments to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities, including the release of Healthy People 2020 and the National Prevention Strategy, as well as the launch of the HHS Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. On Monday, we achieved yet another milestone, by implementing…

Reflections on the One-Year Anniversary of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy Launch


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Howard K. Koh, M.D., M.P.H.

Since President Obama released the first-ever National HIV/AIDS Strategy (the “Strategy”) last July, 2010, I have had the privilege of helping to guide its implementation as well as coordinate the many integrated federal activities involved in reaching these ambitious goals. On this first anniversary, we can celebrate considerable strides toward reaching the Strategy’s clear and…

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