Action Plan for Liver Disease Research - Introduction

Liver disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States, affecting persons of all ages, but most frequently individuals in the productive years of life, between the ages of 40 and 60 years. Liver disease also disproportionately affects minority individuals and the economically disadvantaged. Medical research on liver disease is critically important and further progress in research promises to bring under control the major toll of liver disease on human health and well-being. Indeed, the last 25 years of medical research in liver disease has resulted in major improvements in the survival and quality-of-life of patients with liver disease. The next 25 years should bring even more profound and important changes.

To address the burden of liver diseases in the United States, the National Institutes of Health has developed an Action Plan for Liver Disease Research.

Mission Statement

The goal of the Action Plan for Liver Disease Research is to advance research on liver and biliary diseases with the aim of decreasing the burden of liver and biliary diseases in the United States.
The Action Plan for Liver Disease Research is available in both electronic (PDF) and print formats.Electronic versions (PDF): The Action Plan for Liver Disease Research can be downloaded from this website by clicking on the following files, which contain separate sections of the Plan. These files are in PDF format, which requires the free Adobe Acrobat® Reader Exit Disclaimer Icon for viewing.
 Action Plan for Liver Disease Research     Cover, Table of Contents(PDF: 763kb, 4pgs)
Executive Summary (PDF: 63kb, pp. 1-6)
Introduction (PDF: 763kb, pp. 9-28)
Chapter 1. Cell and Molecular Biology of the Liver (PDF: 63kb, pp. 30-36)
Chapter 2. Liver Injury, Inflammation, Repair, and Fibrosis (PDF: 114kb, pp. 38-43)
Chapter 3. Developmental Biology and Regeneration (PDF: 310kb, pp.44-51)
Chapter 4. Bile, Bilirubin, and Cholestasis (PDF: 91kb, pp.52-59)
Chapter 5. Viral Hepatitis (PDF: 161kb, pp. 60-69)
Chapter 6. HIV and Liver Disease (PDF: 2.6mb, pp. 70-77)
Chapter 7. Fatty Liver Disease (PDF: 2.6mb, pp. 78-85)
Chapter 8. Drug- and Toxicant-Induced Liver Disease (PDF: 91kb, pp. 86-93)
Chapter 9. Autoimmune Liver Disease (PDF: 3mb, pp. 94-99)
Chapter 10. Pediatric Liver Disease
(PDF: 77kb, pp. 100-106)
Chapter 11. Genetic Liver Disease
 (PDF: 362kb, pp. 108-116)
Chapter 12. Liver Transplantation
 (PDF: 122kb, pp.118-126)
Chapter 13. Complications of Liver Disease (PDF: 84kb, pp. 128-134)
Chapter 14. Liver Cancer
(PDF: 2.2mb, pp. 136-143)
Chapter 15. Gallbladder and Biliary Disease (PDF: 612kb, pp. 144-150)
Chapter 16. Liver Imaging and Biotechnology (PDF: 355kb, pp. 152-159)
(PDF: 90kb, pp. 161-168)
Appendices (PDF: 154kb, pp. 171-186)
Index (PDF: 69kb, pp. 187-193)
Print: Free single copies (no bulk orders) of the Action Plan are available from the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse2 Information WayBethesda, MD 20892-3570 (Please use 9-digit ZIP code.)Phone: 1-800-891-5389Fax: 703-738-4929Email: (Please include your name, mailing address, telephone, and email address.)

* Documents in PDF format require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader Exit Disclaimer Iconapplication for viewing. 

Page last updated: June 09, 2009

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