Pick the correct answer for each question.

  1. Do you make mean faces or bad hand signs to others?

  2. Do you spread rumors or say mean things about others behind their back?

  3. Do you make fun of or tease other teens often?

  4. Do you whisper secrets to a friend in front of another person and then not share the secret with him or her on purpose?

  5. Have you purposely not invited someone to hang out with you and your friends?

  6. Have you been or are you currently part of a clique that is exclusive about whom you can and cannot be friends with and has not let others join?

  7. Do you often make fun of others because they are "different" from you or your friends? (Example: they have glasses, ugly clothes, bad hair, or a different race/ethnicity or religion).

  8. Have you hazed another member of your sports team?

  9. Have you ever threatened to hurt someone?

  10. Have you ever punched, shoved, or hit another boy or girl?