Project-Based Learning

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Introducing Project-Based Learning

An overview of project-based learning and a look at the benefits that authentic projects offer students and communities.

Getting Students Engaged From the Start

Good projects engage student interest and inspire curiosity. See what the Project Kickoff looks like in action.

What Students Can Learn by Doing a Project

In this phase, students construct their own learning while adults facilitate and build relationships with youth.

Demonstrate, Reflect and Celebrate the Learning

Students share their learning with authentic audiences during Showtime — the culmination of a project. Watch what happens when kids become experts.

Suggested Time:
30 minutesApproximately 30-60 minutes
Recommended for:
Anyone new to project-based learning, including program leaders, site directors, site staff, parents and other interested community members.
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My NotebookMy Notebook
As you view the course materials, take notes here. You can record your thoughts, jot down ideas and reflect on your learning. Save the notebook to review or print out anytime!


Here, you'll find downloadable materials, links to helpful websites and videos that demonstrate best practices.


Look here for definitions of important terms.