Friday, June 3, 2011

Response to Phoenix Checkpoint Video

 ***Update: 6/9/2011 - There have been many different interpretations of the photography portion of this post, so I wanted to clarify things a bit. We recognize that using video and photography equipment is a constitutionally protected activity unless it interferes with the screening process at our checkpoints.  While our current policy remains the same, TSA is reviewing our guidance to officers at the checkpoint to ensure consistent application.  Our goal is to protect passenger’s rights, while safeguarding the integrity of the security process. ***

You may have seen the video of a woman at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport who was upset about her screening experience. 

TSA takes all allegations of improper screening seriously and investigates each claim to the fullest. After reviewing this passenger’s time at the checkpoint, we found that our security officers acted properly and neither the CCTV footage nor this YouTube video support any of the allegations levied. Real violations of our protocols are worth every ounce of our energy to investigate, but this alleged incident does not meet that threshold. 

This incident has also raised many questions about whether or not passengers can film at checkpoints. This topic is currently under review, but you can read this blog post on our current  policy for photography at checkpoints.  

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

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