
Adverse Event and Unanticipated Problem Reporting Policy


This policy describes the requirement for reporting adverse events (AE) and unanticipated problems (UP) for the clinical research studies funded in whole or in part by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institution(NHLBI) extramural programs.

  1. Studies involving human subjects research must include procedures for identifying, monitoring, and reporting adverse events(AE) and unanticipated problems(UP). For clinical trials and studies with greater than minimal risk, these procedures should be described in the study's Institutional Review Board(IRB)-approved data and safety monitoring (DSM) plan which is sent to the NHLBI. (See NHLBI Data and Safety Monitoring Policy)

  2. Expedited reporting to the NHLBI Program Official or Project Officer (PO) is required for unanticipated problems(UP) or unexpected serious adverse events (SAE) that may be related to the study protocol as follows:

  3. Any event or problem that is

    • Unexpected;


    • Possibly, probably, or definitely related to study participation;

    AND one of the following:

    Is fatal, life-threatening, or serious (SAE + UP)

    Within 7 calendar days

    Suggests greater risk of harm to study participant(s) than was previously known or recognized(UP)

    Within 30 calendar days

  4. Expedited SAE/UP reports to NHLBI should include the following elements:
    • Study title, grant/contract number, PI name
    • Description and date of the event or problem, including why it merits expedited reporting
    • When available, date(s) when the event was reported to applicable governing bodies (e.g., IRB, Food and Drug Administration)
    • Any corrective action planned or taken in response to the event or problem (e.g., study suspension, consent or protocol changes, additional training or security measures)

  5. Investigators are responsible for reporting to and following the guidance of any other applicable oversight bodies, including (but not limits to) the following:
  6. NOTE: Communications from the above oversight bodies regarding any applicable SAE/UP must be reported to NHLBI according to the ( see NHLBI Data and Safety Monitoring Policy)


Diagrams and Charts

Illustrated below (per OHRP guidance), many adverse events are not unanticipated problems, and some adverse events are also unanticipated problems. For example, a serious adverse event that is unexpected and at least possibly related to study participation is also by definition an unanticipated problem. An unanticipated problem may not necessarily be an adverse event, which is the case when the problem does not cause actual harm to participant(s). For example, if a laptop computer with sensitive, identifiable study data is stolen, this theft places the participants at greater risk of psychological or social harm; this is an unanticipated problem that is not an adverse event. Another example of an unanticipated problem that is not an adverse event is if the FDA announces that one of your study drugs is tainted (e.g., with paint chips), yet no participant experiences any adverse effects.


Notice: If the words have [ ]: mean underline Unanticipated Problems A = Adverse Events that are not Unanticipated Problems B = Adverse Events that are Unanticipated Problems C = Unanticipated Problems that are [not] Adverse Events AN ADVERSE EVENT OR PROBLEM 1. Is the event or problem [unexpected]? And [possibly, probably, 
or definitely related] to participation in the research? If Yes, look at number 2 if No, look at number 6 2. Is the event or problem serious? if Yes, look at number 3 if No, look at number 4 3. Reports to NHLBI within 7 days. 4. [Unanticipated problem]: Does the event or problem suggest that the research places subjects or others at a greater risk of physical or psychological harm than was previously known or recognized? if Yes, look at number 5 if No, look at number 6 5. Report to NHLBI within 30 days. 6. Routine reporting per DSM plan and AE/UP policy.

Revision Record

Preceding Policies Date Issued
Policy for Reporting Clinical Study Serious Adverse Events May 2002

Forms And Attachments


Last update: [ February 1, 2012 ]

For questions and/or concerns regarding the content of this page, please contact the
Clinical Research Policy Manager
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