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Two-Way Radio Services

The Two-Way Radio Services provide communication services to assist for the NIH Police and NIH Fire Department with emergency that effect the NIH community. These services include radio provisioning , radio programming, radio set-up, equipment repair, and RF antenna coverage expansion.

Customer Benefits

The Two-Way Radio Services group assist to enhance safety by enabling rapid response by NIH emergenc personnel to support the NIH community.

Customer Market

This service is available to all NIH customers.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Who's authorized to receive an NIH Radio?


A. Radios are normally purchased in quantities as required for a communications group.  Individual purchases most often relate to a replacement and expansion of individual units.  IC’s with functional LMR Two-way Radio Network requirements utilized two-way radio for communications purposes.  NIH employees are normally issued radios as part of an IC communications group.


Requests are processed by the IC Admin Office.  
Q. Who do I contact to order a new radio? / What is the process for ordering an LMR Two-way Radio?
A. Contact your Administrative Officer (AO) to request a new radio. Your Administrative Officer will submit a  telephone service request (TSR)   A remedy ticket will be assigned to the CIT/DNST Electronic Facility Staff for processing.   

Q. How long will it take to receive my new radio?

A. Once a valid request for a radio has been received, delivery will be determined upon contract guidelines.  Radios are normally not off the shelf items and must be ordered with the appropriate hardware and software options unique to network operations.   GSA Contract delivery schedules normally allow up to 90 days after receipt of order (ARO).  

Q. How do I use my Radio?

A. Radios are programmed to include specific network operational characteristics.   Usage of your radio will depend upon the assigned IC Talk Group for which it was purchased. Upon delivery of a new Radio an ID is assigned along with specific programming required for the selected IC Talk Group.  Once programming is completed additional test and evaluation methods are completed prior to issuance to the end user.    Each radio is assigned a unique network six digit identification code for activation. 
For additional information, please call the NIH IT Service Desk: 301-496-4357 or request assistance on-line at the:

Q. Who do I contact for Two-way Radio repairs?

A. Contact the NIH IT Service Desk @301-496.6357 or to have a remedy ticket submitted to the CIT/DNST Pager/Two Way Radio Support Team.   A determination will be made if the unit should be repaired or replaced.   When requesting repair or replacement of a radio please provide contact information (name, IC, phone number) along with eh Radio ID and symptom of the unit in need of repair.

Q. How long does it take to repair a Two-way Radio?

A. Repair and shipping typically takes about five (5) business days.  The time it takes to make a repair may depend on the severity of the problem and/or the availability of replacement parts associated with the broken radio.  

Q. What happens if I lose my NIH Radio?

A. It is important to report the loss radio to CIT/DNST so that the service can be disabled until the Radio is found or replaced. For additional information, please call the NIH IT Service Desk: 301-496-4357or submit a request on-line at User Information is required when reporting a lost unit should include Radio ID, Type and IC point of contact information (name, phone etc.)
Q. Is the NIH LMR Two-way Radio Network called by  any other names?
A. The NIH LMR Two-way Radio Network may also be referred to as:
- The NIH Two-Way Radio Network,
- The NIH Radio Network
- The NIH LMR Network
- The NIH Trunking Network 


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This page last reviewed: March 09, 2011