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Project Source Code is a fully open source project; on GitHub you can find the source code for the main site, the chef cookbooks for maintaining the servers, and the WordPress themes and configuration. We welcome your contributions and feedback.


While the API is still a work in progress, we’ve designed it to be as easy-to-use as possible:

  • It comes pre-processed; the data provided is a combination of data from the GPO MODS (metadata) files and the GPO bulkdata files and has gone through our cleanup procedures.
  • We’re using JSON as a lighter-weight, more web-friendly data transfer format
  • No API keys are needed; all you need is an HTTP client or browser.
  • The API is fully RESTful; URLs are provided to navigate to the full details or to the next page of results (HATEOAS).
  • A simple JSONP interface is also possible; simply add a `callback=foo` CGI parameter to the end of any URL to have the results be ready for cross-domain JavaScript consumption

Interactive Documentation is available, detailing the different endpoints and possible parameters.

An FR2 API Case Study is available on our Tutorials page.

Ruby API Client

We’ve also released an API client gem for the ruby users out there. You can find it on GitHub and RubyGems.

Usage Restrictions

Republishers of Federal Register material are not permitted to use official NARA or OFR logos or seals.


Linking to

Federal Register documents can be cited in a variety of ways; it may be convenient to link to FR content using the following URL patterns:

By FR Document Number:

All Federal Register documents are assigned a unique document number; you can link to them with the following pattern:[FR Document Number]

And the link directly to the PDF file can also be easily generated:[FR Document Number].pdf

By FR Citation:

You can construct a link based on a FR citation:[VOLUME]-FR-[PAGE]

If multiple documents appear on the same page, the user can select between them:

By Executive Order Number:

You can also construct a link to any Executive Order from 1995-present, starting with EO 12944[EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER]


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