Drs. Patricia A. Grady, Ann R. Knebel, Ann Cashion and Lois A. Tully Researchers with petri dishes and test tubes.are among several co-authors of a manuscript that appears in the 2013 Genomics Special Issue of the Journal of Nursing Scholarship. The article, A Blueprint for Genomic Nursing Science, includes recommendations of a 2012 Genomic Nursing State of Science Advisory Panel which explored ways to further genomic nursing science to improve health outcomes. The paper suggests tailored research topics that could build the evidence base to inform integration of genomics into nursing practice and regulation.

NINR has long recognized that basic and applied research are essential to provide the basis for integrating genomics into practice. This is evident through the training efforts and intramural and extramural research supported by NINR. As such, a review of NINR supported research studies was one of the methods included in the development of the blueprint. The final blueprint is aligned with four of the NINR Strategic Plan areas – health promotion and disease prevention, advancing the quality of life, innovation, and training.

In addition to topics related to nursing science, the special issue, which was coordinated by staff at the National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Cancer Institute, contains several articles which highlight the translation of genomics into healthcare and the importance of the role of nurses in the application of genomics to clinical care.

A Blueprint for Genomic Nursing Science is available at www.ninr.nih.gov/genomicsblueprint, and the full Genomics Special Issue is available at www.genome.gov/27552093.