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Data Table Probation and Parole in the United States, 2007 - Statistical Tables

Thomas P. Bonczar, Lauren E. Glaze

December 11, 2008    NCJ 224707

Presents the number of persons on probation and parole at yearend 2007, by state, with percent changes in each state during the year. The statistical tables provide state-level probation and parole supervision rates and entries and exits. National and state-level data on parole re-incarceration rates are presented. Tables provide the total community supervision population, which includes offenders on probation or parole, in the U.S. for yearend 2000 through 2007. Data are presented on offenders supervised in the community as a percentage of the total correctional population, which includes offenders in prison or jail or on probation or parole. The tables also describe the national-level composition of these populations by race, gender, and offense. Appendix Tables have been added. (See also the jointly released Prisoners in 2007).

2007 Statistical tables

Table 1. Number of persons under adult correctional supervision, 2000-07
Table 2. Adults on probation, 2007
Table 3. Adults on parole, 2007
Table 4. Characteristics of adults on probation, 1995, 2000, and 2007
Table 5. Characteristics of adults on parole, 1995, 2000, and 2007
Table 6. Parolees returned to incarceration, 2007
Table 7. Adults leaving parole, by type of exit, 2007

2007 Appendix tables

Appendix table 1. Adults on community supervision, 2007
Appendix table 2. Adults entering probation, by type of sentence, 2007
Appendix table 3. Adults leaving probation, by type of exit, 2007
Appendix table 4. Adults on probation, by gender, 2007
Appendix table 5. Adults on probation, by race/ethnic origin, 2007
Appendix table 6. Adults on probation, by type of offense, 2007
Appendix table 7. Adults on probation, by most serious offense, 2007
Appendix table 8. Adults entering parole, by type of sentence 2007
Appendix table 9. Adults on parole, by gender, 2007
Appendix table 10. Adults on parole, by race/ethnic origin, 2007
Appendix table 11. Adults on parole, by type of offense, 2007

Part of the Probation and Parole Populations Series

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Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey

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