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Official Twitter account of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Washington, DC · http://whitehouse.gov/ostp

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  1. Oh Man!  We're out of time.  Thanks for the great questions!  Do your best and always reach for the stars! cb # SoSTEM

  2. Almost certainly. Huge endeavor & resources. MT “: do you see Mars missions being an international endeavor?

  3. Possible - but not soon, we want to study it before we make any changes. “: Is terraforming Mars possible?

  4. Hope not. So many cool frontiers in . But I love space. “: Hey , is space ACTUALLY the final frontier?

  5. . Already have Cassini at Saturn, Juno enroute to Jupiter, and plans in work for mission to Europa. - cb

  6. MT “: Has ‘Curiosity’ ever killed a cat? Important.” No. Maybe dinner plan or 2, but we love animals (hope we find some on Mars).

  7. . very synergistic - we need energy tech for missions and vice versa - first commercial fuel cells were used by

  8. . Take lots of math & science, engage in research & apply to be an astronaut! - cb

  9. . Partnering w other countries & industry to go beyond low-Earth orbit; destinations include an asteroid and Mars! - cb

  10. . NASA has needs for almost all occupations from dieticians to nuclear physicists. - cb

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