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Role Modeling Quiz

How do you think the things you do affect your children’s behavior? Are you pleased with yourself as a role model? Select “true” or “false” to check your role model know-how.

  1. Choosing TV programs or movies, watching them, and then talking about them with your children will help them avoid negative role models and behavior, such as smoking, drinking, or solving problems with violence.

  2. Your children are in the backseat of the car when another driver cuts you off and you throw a fit and swear. But, it’s okay because your kids aren’t old enough to drive yet, so they can’t imitate you.

  3. If a phone call interrupts a family dinner, ask your child to tell the caller that you’re not home so you won’t cut into family time.

  4. You worked hard to quit smoking, but your friend still smokes. She offers you a cigarette and you think, "What’s one cigarette?" You decide to take it.

  5. If you are experiencing stress or conflict in your own life, tell your children you need extra time to calm down.
