Friday, August 1, 2008

"Got Feedback?"

As of today, passenger/airport communications will be turned on its head. We’ve read your comments on the blog regarding checkpoints not having comment cards. We’ve cringed when we read that you were asked for an ID in order to receive a comment card. We’ve seen the oftentimes weak boilerplate letters that go out to passengers from TSA.

Well, in the spirit of striving for improvement today we’re launching the "Got Feedback?" program nationwide at all airports. We’re including a capability for passengers to contact us with very specific questions, comments, complaints, etc.

To get travelers attention, we are strategically placing “Got Feedback?” stickers in highly viewed areas on equipment and tables. The stickers contain the TSA Blog’s address.

When a passenger visits the blog, they’ll see a hyperlinked image of the “Got Feedback?” logo. After clicking on the image, the site will redirect to a map where you can click on the exact airport where you want to leave feedback.

After clicking on a specific airport, an e-mail form will open automatically addressed to that airport’s TSA Customer Support Manager. After submitting, the form will be delivered directly to the Customer Support Manager. The form will be similar to the comment cards that are currently in use.

Customer Support Managers will receive and respond to “Got Feedback?” e-mails for their airport. We are steering towards a more personal response rather than the cold, soulless response of a form letter.

The information the Customer Support Manager receives will be used to not only address concerns, but will also serve as content for local training and shift briefings directly with local TSOs and management.

As an alternative to leaving specific feedback with a Customer Support Managers, a link on the “Got Feedback?” page will be provided to the blog where passengers can also leave general feedback.

Many passengers have asked for a secret shopper type program and that’s basically what this is. We’re really excited about implementing it. We’re only as strong as our weakest link, and this will help us discover those links that need to be polished and repair them.

Got Feedback is not replacing the blog. It is simply allowing passengers to communicate directly with airport Customer Support Managers. Keep using the blog to discuss TSA-wide issues.

Edited at 1600 EDT to add: Coming Monday, look for the answers to your top 10 questions.

EoS Blog Team