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Division of Aging Biology (DAB)

Director: Felipe Sierra, Ph.D.

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The DAB plans and supports molecular, cellular, and genetic research on the mechanisms of aging through various NIH grant mechanisms and contracts. It also supports resource facilities that provide aged animals and banked tissues for use in aging research. Read more about DAB research and structure»

The DAB includes the following programs:

Animal Models supports research to identify and develop new vertebrate and invertebrate animal models, for aging research. Current models include rats, mice, birds, fish, rabbits, nonhuman primates, insects, nematodes, and yeast, with rodent models of particular interest. (Program officer: Mahadev Murthy)

Biological Resources (OBRRD) supports management of biological resources through contracts. It coordinates the aged non-human primate resources and the aging Intervention Testing Program (ITP), a multi-institutional study conducting preliminary research, on non-genetic interventions to delay aging, using a genetically heterogeneous mouse model. (Program officer: Nancy Nadon)

Cardiovascular Biology supports investigations on the molecular and cellular changes that lead to age-related declines in cardiac and vascular function. Aging is itself a risk factor for heart disease, the major cause of death in older people. (Program officer: Ronald Kohanski)

Cell Biology supports research on the age-related changes in signaling mechanisms; microenvironments, extracellular matrix, cellular senescence, apoptosis, autophagy, cancer; and protein modifications that might contribute to aging phenotypes, including integrative systems biology approaches. (Program officer: Jose Velazquez)

Endocrinology supports basic research into the causes and effects of age-related changes in the endocrine system. Studies on aging-dependent changes in cellular responses to endocrine factors are also supported. (Program officer: Rebecca Fuldner)

Genetics supports studies to identify and characterize longevity assurance genes and pathways; genome stability; telomere biology; genomics; epigenomics; and progeroid syndromes, all in relation to healthy aging. (Program officer: Max Guo)

Immunology supports studies on changes in the immune systems of older people that may contribute to the increased incidence of infection and cancer. Research supported includes regulation of lymphocyte proliferation; regulation of immune specificity; autoimmune disease and other immunopathologies; endocrine control of immune function; molecular basis of the age-related decline in immune function; and interventions to retard and/or correct age-related decline in immune function. (Program officer: Rebecca Fuldner)

Metabolic Regulation supports research on nutrition and metabolism in relation to aging. Areas of focus include age-related changes in mitochondrial (dys)function; mechanisms of lifespan extension by caloric restriction; and generation of free radicals and oxidative stress. (Program officer: David Finkelstein)

Musculoskeletal Biology supports studies on muscle, bone and cartilage that may have negative effects on health of the elderly (e.g., causes of osteoporosis or sarcopenia), thereby encouraging development of preventative and interventional strategies to extend healthy aging. (Program officer: John Williams)

Stem Cells supports research on changes in stem cells and stem cell niches during aging. Two areas of emphasis are identification of factors altering stem cell function with aging, and determination of the roles of stem cells both in normal tissue homeostasis and as a result of injuries. (Program officer: Ronald Kohanski)

Tissue Physiology supports investigation of age-related changes that affect the function of the liver, digestive, renal, and pulmonary systems. (Program officer: Mahadev Murthy)


Finkelstein, David Program Officer 301-496-6402 finkelsd@nia.nih.gov
Fuldner, Rebecca Program Officer 301-496-6402 fuldnerr@nia.nih.gov
Guo, Max Program Officer 301-469-6402 qmguo@mail.nih.gov
Kohanski, Ronald A Division Deputy Director 301-496-6402 kohanskir@mail.nih.gov
Murthy, Mahadev Program Officer 301-496-6402 mmurthy@mail.nih.gov
Nadon, Nancy Program Officer 301-496-7744 NadonN@nia.nih.gov
Sierra, Felipe Division Director 301-496-6402 sierraf@mail.nih.gov
Velázquez, José Program Officer 301-496-6402 jvelazqu@mail.nih.gov
Williams, John Program Officer 301-496-6402 williamsj6@mail.nih.gov