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Department of Health and Human Services

Explore Your Treatment Options: Your Health Priorities Tool


A man and a women exercising.

Your Health Priorities Tool

If you don’t share details about your life and what is important to you, you may not get the treatment that is best for you. Think about it this way: If you are a student who lives near a bus stop, you might be able to take a medicine that makes you a little sleepy because you do not need to drive. But if you are a truck driver, that medicine might make you too sleepy to do your job. Sharing details about your daily life and what’s important to you can help your doctor recommend a treatment that helps you get better and improves your quality of life.

Answer the questions below to get your own health priorities snapshot to share with your doctor.

Get your own health priorities snapshot:

1. Rate how important it is for you to be able to do each of the following activities, either at work or at home.

  Not at all important Only slightly important Moderately important Important Very important
Remembering things
Walking distances farther than inside my home
Standing for longer than it takes me to wash dishes
Typing or taking notes
Doing light housework (like dishwashing, preparing meals, or making a bed)
Doing heavy housework (like laundry, yard work, or cleaning a bathtub)
Caring for children or other family members

2. Some treatments may have side effects that you would prefer to avoid. Rate how important it would be for you to avoid the common side effects listed below.

  Not at all important Only slightly important Moderately important Important Very important
Weight gain or weight loss
Other pain or discomfort
Trouble sleeping
Sexual problems
Feeling too tired
Urinary problems (incontinence, frequent trips to the bathroom)
Bowel problems (diarrhea, constipation)

3. Different treatments may require different amounts of time, effort, and money. Rate how concerned you would be about each of the following items.

  Not at all concerned Only slightly concerned Moderately concerned Concerned Very concerned
Time needed for treatment
Difficulty of treatment
Number of days needed for the treatment, from start to finish
Paperwork and forms needed to start treatment or be paid back

4. During your treatment, what help will you get from friends and family? (Check all that apply.)