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Science » Life Sciences » Botany

Science Education

includes booklets on cells, genes, health, chemistry, and medicines. The booklets explore advances in the development and delivery of drugs, links between genes and diseases, how genes work, the body's reaction to medicines, and the hundreds of thousands of molecules that perform specialized functions inside the fundamental unit of life (the cell). One booklet, "The Structures of Life," features stories designed to inspire young people to consider careers in biomedical research. (National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health)

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Interesting Fact:

The human body keeps time with a master clock called the suprachiasmatic nucleus or SCN. Situated inside the brain, it's a tiny sliver of tissue about the size of a grain of rice, located behind the eyes. It sits quite close to the optic nerve, which controls vision, and this means that the SCN "clock" can keep track of day and night. Given enough time, your SCN can reset itself after you fly in an airplane from one time zone to another.
Colchicine, a treatment for gout, was originally derived from the stem and seeds of the meadow saffron (autumn crocus). Illustration: National Agriculture Library, ARS, USDA.

Molecules to medicines

 This website also appears in:
Health & Phys Ed »  Other Health » 
Science »  Life Sciences »  Cells
Science »  Life Sciences »  Diseases
Science »  Life Sciences »  Genes, Evolution
Science »  Life Sciences »  Medicine
Science »  Life Sciences »  Other Life Sciences
Science »  Physical Sciences »  Chemistry

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