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Math » Algebra


is designed to help middle school teachers deepen their understanding of math concepts. More than 200 "recommended investigations" are offered for teachers to solve and then modify for use with students. They're presented in 13 units: patterns, functions and equations, graphing (algebra); circles, quadrilaterals, triangles, polygons, 3-D objects (geometry); fractions and decimals, integers, ratio and percent (number concept); statistics and probability (data analysis). (University of Georgia, National Science Foundation)

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Interesting Fact:

A circle is the set of all points in a plane that is the same distance from a given point called the center. The points that lie inside this curve are not part of the circle (this is called a disk). A circle is an example of a closed curve because you can begin at one point on the circle and trace it, ending up where you started without crossing or retracing any part of the circle.
Take a equilateral triangle, divide each side into 4 segments. Then connect the each vertex to division points on the opposite sides as you observe.

Divide into n-th segment

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