Instead of expanding the size of government or raising taxes, Republicans in Washington are committed to a pro-growth economic agenda that will put America back to work. [more »]
2/5/13: Republican Leadership Press Conference
2/5/13: GOP Leadership Press Conference House Republicans are serious about the need to address our government's out of control spending. The same can't be said for the President and Senate Democrats. For the f...
Weekly Republican Address 2/2/13: Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN)
Weekly GOP Address 2/2/13: Susan Brooks (R-IN) In this week's address, Congresswoman Susan Brooks (R-IN) gives an update on our efforts to get our economy moving again and the importance of having a budget. "Each ...
1/22/13 Republican Leadership Press Conference: No Budget, No Pay
1/22/13 GOP Leadership Press Conference: No Budget, No Pay House Republicans are committed to reining in Washington spending by holding the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate accountable for not passing a budget in nearly four years...
Earning It
Earning It American taxpayers earn their paychecks by doing their jobs. But Harry Reid and Senate Democrats think they're different from most Americans. It's been almost four years ...
Weekly Republican Address 1/19/13: Rep. James Lankford (R-OK)
Weekly GOP Address 1/19/13: James Lankford (R-OK) In this week's address, Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee James Lankford (R-OK) calls on the Democratic-controlled Senate to join us in reining in wastefu...
Rep. Goodlatte at 6:08pm
ON THE CLOCK: 1,606 days and counting…How much longer will @WhiteHouse make Americans wait for #KeystoneXL? http://t.co/AP1z91QF
Rep. Graves at 5:44pm
RT @NIFB Today, there are 4,062 federal regulations in the pipeline. How will they affect your #smallbiz? http://t.co/zu6rqDZy #SOTU
Rep. Gosar at 5:43pm
On Feb 20th I’ll be holding a faith-based roundtable in Prescott w/ local religious leaders: http://t.co/bUHgYyNe #Prescott #Arizona