Articles Tagged ‘asia’

NCI’s Role in International Cancer Research

The Global Burden of Cancer

The National Cancer Institute oversees the U.S. National Cancer Program and is also involved in the promotion of global health and cancer control. The National Cancer Act of 1971 directed the NCI to collect, analyze and disseminate research on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, to share cancer research information globally, and to support research being conducted by highly qualified foreign nationals outside the United States. The landmark law also mandated that NCI support collaborative research involving American and foreign participants, and support training of American scientists abroad and foreign scientists in the United States. As a special feature, this article includes an interview Benchmarks held with Dr. Richard Love on the topic of Conducting International Clinical Trials.

The Global Burden of Cancer

The Global Burden of Cancer

Cancer has not been considered a major health issue in developing countries until recently, according to a 2005 report by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an overwhelming number of infectious diseases and rampant sanitary problems were higher priorities. Unfortunately, cancer is now becoming more of a global burden than it ever was before.

Conducting International Clinical Trials

The Global Burden of Cancer

Benchmarks had an opportunity to sit down with Richard Love, M.D., a pioneer in the field of international breast cancer clinical trials. Love holds appointments with the National Cancer Institute and Ohio State University, and is Scientific Director of the International Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Love is currently involved in research collaborations in the United States, Philippines, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Morocco, Bangladesh, and Nigeria.